Thursday, 10 May 2007

daisy moon goes to the cinema

I don't think I will ever go to the cinema again! I know it's me, I am so irritable, little things irritate me beyond any rational reaction. I can't stand people whistling, my son likes to drum his fingers on anything and this annoys me: feet. I can't stand feet, to look at them naked is awful and no-one is allowed to cut their toe nails when in the same room as me. I can't stand the sound of the clippers clipping, let alone the sight of the feet in all their glory!

I must be a nightmare to live with.

Now the cinema. I went to see SM3 and I think it was a good film but I became increasingly obsessed with the noises in the cinema. Almost the entire row behind me was taken up with a family with a number of carrier bags between them full of the most rustly paper packets of sweets, popcorn, crisps et al. One of the children wanted to start eating as soon as they sat down, but the adult decided no, " Have them when the film starts!" Indeed, why not ensure that everyone could listen to them eating during the film, rather than during the unimportant ad's and previews? As it was, it didn't matter when they started because they ate continually throughout the film. Passing bags up and down the row, eating with mouths open - I can tell this because of the clapping noise of their mouths. They didn't even wait for the loud parts of the movie to eat the noisy stuff. No, it was continuous and it drove me mad.

At one point their noises subsided, my blood pressure abated, but then the couple next to me opened their carrier bag and opened a packet of crisps each. I swear i heard every single crunch. I became so obsessed with all of the munching, crunching and rustling that the film seemed to mute and was replaced by the cacophony of sounds throughout the auditorium, now I could near every cough, word, rustle and movement. Just to add to this the child behind me who finished eating about 20 minutes before the end of the film, started to sniff. He did not have a runny nose, it was a dry sniff, and he sniffed about every 8 seconds. Yes, I counted the seconds between each sniff. I was so glad when the movie ended and I could leave. I realise most of the problem is irritable state must be reaching new heights, but surely, they could have stopped eating for a while, at least during the quiet moments?

I read recently that some cinema companies are stopping customers bringing their own food in. My first reaction was that this was just to preserve and promote the extortionate prices they charge for refreshments, and that it shouldn't be allowed. But after yesterday, customers should be frisked, and scanned for rustly packets and crunchy contents. These should be removed. Anyone with a cough or a sniffly nose should be excluded. An audio sensor should be installed beneath each seat which emits an electric shock when an individual exceeds the allowed noise making threshold.....or, I should just buy dvd's in future and stay home.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

daisy moon witters on

my first blog entry ever!! feels odd and somewhat arrogant to post my witterings into cyber space. Who would possibly want to read about my thoughts and feelings? still, it does feel comforting to reminds me of years long gone when I used to write diaries revealing far too much to no-one..
well, I'm Daisy and I'm prone to wittering tell me if I witter somewhat too much! I live in a semi-countryside village and feel very priveliged to walk the dogs on my very own hillside. I can still hear the police sirens, ambulances and buses on the main road but I can only see the road if I walk into the fields for a bit and look into the valley. I moved here 3 years ago and it is a working project. It took nearly a year to get rid of the smell. The house was rank; when we viewed it we had to breathe through our mouths to avoid the gagging reflex caused by the acrid stench throughout the entire house! I'm relieved to say that the smell has now gone and we are well into the improvement process..
I have two wonderful dogs....Lulu and Flo: at the moment they are in their kennel and just due for another walk. They are just one year old and truly finding their feet. They did have lots of freedom and space here, but now they are intent on escaping down the lane and onto the main road. We've almost finished building them a run in the field, but this will take more work. I put them in it yesterday and hid behind the old sycamore tree (which kindly allowed some fencing staples in its grand gnarled width of a trunk), but within about 30 seconds little Flo was out, so more rails needed methinks!
Well, I need to finish the ironing, compost the contents of the fridge (will I ever cook the ingredients I buy?) and find the living room- it was here yesterday....