Sunday, 3 January 2010

daisy moon & another day

evening, witterers; quite an ordinary day really. most of it was spent sorting out the various animals. Kitch, the hen is still in recuperation in the cat carrier in the kitchen. We let out the other hens today and one found her way over to the house, went straight to the kitchen and got in the carrier with Kitch! She then came out, followed by a wobbly Kitch and out they went together into a very frosty & icy outside. When I counted them in this afternoon, i was one down and wasn't sure who was missing. I felt a little anxious as we'd lost one the previous day but I heard a little clucking in the doorway of the old barn and there was Kitch all puffed up, with her head in her "shoulders" not sure where to go. So she's back in the kitchen, warm & safe. She's a lot better today than she has been but her poo is still very "eggy". I'm hoping that her egg hasn't broken inside her as that is potentially fatal. Hopefully, it's an unformed egg, which is taking its time to be expelled.

Well, I'm off to make some stuffed peppers & rice for tea before checking on Morris...BEFORE I go to bed myself. Then I'm going to post some fragrance oils onto my web site: ~ my favourite ones at the moment are lemon meringue pie and coffee creme caramel; they are so scrummy when made into wax melts, the aroma fills you up without the calories!

Saturday, 2 January 2010

daisy moon & a sad time

It was a difficult end to the year. My gorgeous goat, Red, died, very suddenly and thank fully, very quickly. She called me to the shed rather than coming down to eat with the others and she wouldn't eat anything. She seemed to have an upset tummy, something that they have suffered with a few times over the year. I put down plenty of hay and water for her and left her for the night. The next day, I went up to her and she was laying down in her stall obviously very unwell. I called the vet, but within 20 minutes she died. She seemed to wait for me to come to see her; she wagged her tail and I talked to her until she eventually closed her eyes. It was so so sad to see her go. It sounds silly to say it, but she still looked a picture of health, even though she wasn't with me anymore. Through all of this, the ponies and Black, her mate just wanted feeding and wouldn't give over until they'd all been fed. Doesn't it seem cruel and strange to carry on as normal, when another animal has just died. They've all lived with Red for over 15 years, yet, even as she was dying, seemed completely unaware of anything, except what they needed. I guess, it's the best way to be. I had to leave Red covered overnight, as she's not a small goat. She's the size of a small pony and I couldn't move her. My poor husband had to sort that out the next morning, with the help of my daughter's ex boyfriend!

On a brighter note, in the same week, a little goat was found wandering on the old mine and was brought up to me to look after until he was claimed. As if he knew we had room for a goat and thought he might fill the position! We called him Morris (minor!) and he's a real character, with horns and attitude. My poor old arthritic Black is not very impressed at all, and Dolly & Molly are not having any of it! Morris is trying to fit in, but has yet to realise that butting everyone is not endearing behaviour at all! He's stayed out with them a few nights but it all depends on the order in which they go to bed. If he gets into the stable before molly and dolly then he can find a place to sleep, but if he's last in, they will not let him throught the door! So before going to bed each night, I have to go out and check that he hasn't been exiled. If he's out, then he is led into the chicken shed for the night, otherwise, he gets to sleep over!!As I speak, he's still out and seems to have claimed his space in the stable! Molly Dolly & Boyo are actually laying out in the field as if it's a summer evening!! I'll check once more in a minute then it's bed time for me as well....happy new year xx