Sunday, 3 January 2010

daisy moon & another day

evening, witterers; quite an ordinary day really. most of it was spent sorting out the various animals. Kitch, the hen is still in recuperation in the cat carrier in the kitchen. We let out the other hens today and one found her way over to the house, went straight to the kitchen and got in the carrier with Kitch! She then came out, followed by a wobbly Kitch and out they went together into a very frosty & icy outside. When I counted them in this afternoon, i was one down and wasn't sure who was missing. I felt a little anxious as we'd lost one the previous day but I heard a little clucking in the doorway of the old barn and there was Kitch all puffed up, with her head in her "shoulders" not sure where to go. So she's back in the kitchen, warm & safe. She's a lot better today than she has been but her poo is still very "eggy". I'm hoping that her egg hasn't broken inside her as that is potentially fatal. Hopefully, it's an unformed egg, which is taking its time to be expelled.

Well, I'm off to make some stuffed peppers & rice for tea before checking on Morris...BEFORE I go to bed myself. Then I'm going to post some fragrance oils onto my web site: ~ my favourite ones at the moment are lemon meringue pie and coffee creme caramel; they are so scrummy when made into wax melts, the aroma fills you up without the calories!

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