Sunday, 13 May 2012

Daisy Moon & the Mouse

... who would have thought that a tiny mouse could cause so much chaos! Fluffy the cat brought in a mouse this morning & we managed to rescue it as he dropped the stunned little package at our feet! set free in seconds, it was a job well done! Just half an hour later, Fluffy came back through the cat flap, having caught the mouse again, as if indignant that we hadn't appreciated his first efforts to surprise us with his present! This time, the mouse was quick off the mark and disappeared down the side of the dresser, where bags of table salt had been stored (that's why this winter wasn't so icy.. we had prepared ourselves with salt!) By the time I had moved the salt bags, Mouse had managed to tail it behind the dresser! Wayne had to go and get a flexible piece of plastic to try and "encourage" mouse to come out and I was stood with tea towel in hand ready to throw over Mouse to catch him.. but the best laid plans of mice & men did not work out! The back of the dresser had come away from the base allowing Mouse to disappear inside the dresser! so now we have to take everything off .. plates and cornish ware, jugs and everything I'd intended to dust for some time! We didn't know where he was.. so we emptied the plates and saucepan side .. no sign... he had managed to get between the drawer section! Wayne had to get a mirror and torch to find his position... I was waiting, tea towel in hand! Mouse scurried out .. between my legs.. my reactions weren't ideal! Mouse scampered underneath the wicker drawers by the sink... so we pulled out the drawers and another dusty scene evidenced my poor housekeeping skills!... this time Mouse found a gap in the stone wall and lodged himself between the pipe and the stone pillar! we thought he might have run under the sink.. so we pulled out all of that and discovered that a cat had been using the area as a cat litter place!! lovely... so that's all pulled out but Mouse was by the pipes and wouldn't move! we were just about to give up and leave him but Wayne had one more go at gently prodding him with a wooden spoon, his nose twitched and he landed on the pipe rolled underneath it and dropped down.. i couldn't face any more pulling out of furniture so my reactions were spot on- I caught the little mite as he squeaked in protest!
Mouse is now free.. and my kitchen already has 4 bin liners of rubbish that I'm disposing of.. my dresser is looking clean .. under the sink is looking organised and although i did have other plans today to pack orders... this is quite therapeutic, I've been meaning to clean for ages but never had the time.. but when your cat wees on things .. then it changes your outlook a bit ! oh and one more thing to make you chuckle before I go... Wayne was under the sink trying to see where the mouse was and he scratched his ear... but he had just put his hand in cat wee! eau de chat! mmm not good .. funny though! So I'm going back to cleaning!! happy times! so glad we saved Mouse though x

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