Thursday, 12 November 2009

Daisy moon and the grumpy goats.

What a wet day! My goats are very grumpy, they don't like this wet weather. Their field is turning into a marsh! It's so muddy, my wellies were almost sucked off my feet by the schloopy mud! Still, they've got their stable to keep dry and warm and I fed them nice and early today, porridge oats & sugar beet with some apples and pears, finished off with some cool mix, which is like muesli. The shetland ponies, Dolly, Molly and Boyo don't seem to mind the rain so much, so they ate theirs outside, quite happily. Red & Black the goats are called! Wonder if you can guess the colour of their coats, they had these names when they came to us. They are lovely and very funny, especially when they're grumpy, they butt each other and totally ignore me...after I've given them their food of course...

Edie, the turkey found her way into my kitchen! feathers and turkey poo everywhere, so she had a swift exit. She doesn't like the rain either, so everyone had an early to bed today. I'm still working my way through the christmas cards. I love making them, but feel a little daunted by the number still left....mustn't complain though, it all goes into the pot to feed and care for the ever~hungry menagerie we have here! Right, on that note, off to finish the inserts for the eight cards just waiting to be packed up....x

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