Thursday, 5 November 2009

daisy moon with glitter & mud

..busy day today. Plan was to get up early and make three cards before collecting my daughter from University at 8am...hubby came into my craft room at 8.30am as I was finishing my first card! Two hours on one card, I have to get more of a streamlined approach going! I fuss & faff over the papers, shall I use contrasting or same tone papers, which embellishments will I use? It goes on and on, if you make cards, you'll know what I mean!The only thing I never have to make my mind up on, is...will I use glitter ~ it's a must, I have to have sparkle! (my husband frequently goes to work to be asked why his face is sparkly!) I have so cards many to make though, the ones I'm working on now are for two customers wanting 10 each, all different of course! Then I've got 350 corporate cards to make...then 65 "posher" corporate cards to make....and 65 packages of handmade soy wax melts to make and package up. It feels very real now I'm writing it must get on with it & stop procrastinating.
I was glad of the outdoor break this afternoon; the sun had done its shift and the rain was duty, which felt cold and fresh on my face. In blue boiler suit and wellies I was soon chasing chickens around the barn, trying to get them all in, there are about five who think it's funny to run in every direction possible when they know it's time for bed. One of them, Roadrunner, has a long neck and she stretches her head forward, folds her wings in tightly and she legs it. We did one lap around the barn then I engaged the use of a sturdy broom and before RR knew it, she was flying into the chicken shed, making a very indignant hooting noise! Edie, the turkey was pacing up and down her stall demanding food..I'll tell you more about her another day. I thought we were going to lose her a few months ago, but she's back with a vengeance now. I'm very proud of her!
anyway, I got them all into bed after mucking out and feeding them all and now I'm back to the card making.......I've got glitter in my hair and mud up my trousers ( even though my boiler suit was tucked inside my wellies!). Glitter & mud just about sums my life up!! Not bad eh? x

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